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Remote Swing Auger: Electric / Hydraulic: 10", 13", 16" models

Product Description
The system is 100% electric and with no hydraulic flow required the hoppers can be positioned for use or lifted into transport position without the need to start and idle the tractor first. The remote boasts a range of 300+ feet, and can operate in extreme weather, heat and cold. The mover’s drive motors mount to the hopper body itself, putting the weight of the self-leveling hopper and the grain on the tires for excellent traction. Each drive motor is independently driven so both tires will always have equal power applied. The supplied halogen work light powers on automatically with any hopper movement. The hopper operating and home positions can be preset by the user; the hopper will move to the location and then stop automatically.
Hydraulic ~ Transmitter range: 300 ft ~ Remote temperature range: -40 degrees C to 85 degrees C
Electric ~ Transmitter range: 300 ft ~ Remote temperature range: -45 degrees to 85 degrees ~ Remote weather rating: IP66 ~ Remote battery life: up to 40 continuous hrs ~ Drive motor: 334 inch lbs ~ Swing hoist certified lift capacity: 800 lbs.
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